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My name is Jordana Sherman and I originally hail from glorious Canada. Over 9 years ago, I decided to make the move to London, which was a long-time ambition since falling in love with city at the ripe old age of 19.


By day, I hold down a corporate job as an independent marketing consultant and have worked with lots of big name companies in the tech world such as Microsoft and Samsung to name a few. However, my deep-seated passion has always been rooted in the health and fitness space and hence the purpose behind this blog.


This blog is not meant to be a copy and paste of existing health and fitness ones out there rather as an outlet to hopefully encourage, educate and inspire women 40+ that there is strength in numbers. I want to impart the all-important message that when it comes to exercise and fitness, age has no boundaries. I personally have only become stronger with age as have many other women I’ve met and know personally and so I would like to use this blog to surface their stories and mine whilst providing some product, service and exercise class reviews along the way.

Hi! I'm Jordana & I'm pushing 40


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